Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The fun has started.

Yesterday, played LAN for 6 hours. Hahaha the new game Left for Dead is insane! Its really really fun, especially when you play it with friends. Its the first game I've played that allows you to finish missions with friends. Graphics were excellent, and the zombie hordes were overwhelming. Hahaha. Dota followed, and I've got to say, I'm still not bad at it! Hahaha haven't really lost my skills after all these years. Can't say the same for Henry though. LOL.

Great chicken rice dinner opposite Paradiz Centre afterwards.

Today was rock climbing! Bouldering to be specific. Hahah I've lost much of my climbing strength. Could still remember the technical stuff, but I'm very rusty. Without the strength and endurance I used to have, I could only do simple routes. Still was surprised that I could still climb after all these years! Like my shoes fit, I knew how to place my feet, and I could still grip tougher handholds. Maybe somethings you just don't lose, even over time. Glad to see Bernard, who still climbs actively. Boy, he's much stronger now. Saw him doing some jaw-dropping routes. Luckily I can say that I'll own him at fencing LOL.

Poor Jon had 2 big blisters on his hands after climbing. Apparently he found the sport much tougher than expected, but I hope he enjoyed himself today. =D

Next aim, pull my sister into fencing with me. How cool would that be?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Guess who's back?

Touchdown! Freaking tired, barely slept properly in 2 days. Transformers 2 was a blast. Should catch it again on the big screen soon.

Had Teo Chew porridge for dinner, and it was as good as I remembered it to be. Mmmmmm. 

Had a lovely chat with my parents, something great has happened, and I've really happy for them. Now there's just one more little obstacle in the way, and the plan will be complete! =D

Thanks to God for blessing our family with so much!

Loving the hot, humid weather here, feels good to be back and having a proper break. Man, all I remembered was non-stop studying. Gaaaa. 

Miss my fattie. Hope she has fun in Tasmania! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Exam finish already lah.

Yea! Putting on my best Singaporean accent, preparing to go hooooooooome! Hahaha Plane flight home tomorrow morning, but first...... TRANSFORMERS! Wooooo. We're watching it a Chapel Street. Hope the movie is a blast. It'll put a good end to the exams.

This exam paper ah. Wah lao. One of the toughest papers I've had in med school. I could do all the questions, but I felt that with a little extra time, my answers could be better. My gut feeling on this paper is.... I can still get a HD on this one, but if there comes a time where I finally can't get a HD, this would be it. You know, that not here not there kinda feeling. Like when you discuss with friends, you seem to have got lots of questions correct. Yet as time goes by, you discover more and more mistakes. Not gaps in knowledge, simply no existing knowledge about a concept. Hmmmm. Yea I'll manage to get one this time. I think.

Thanks be to God for helping me study everything on time. Like I was thinking of leaving out all the stuff in the first half of the semester. But on the last day of my studying, I covered so much stuff that would have been on the paper the next day. Like how I spent 2 hours on Respiratory physiology, and so much of that stuff came out. Like how I spent 10 minutes reading Rawson's neurology stuff, and like 3-4 questions came out. Like.... its scary to think that, if I had been slightly lazy, just slightly, and decide not to do all that crap, 10 marks gone. Those 10 marks could have easily been mine, if I had spent 10 minutes the day before revising.

Insane right, come to think about it. Henry helped me this exam, just like he did last exam. Globus pallidus! Haha thanks man. You're the reason why I went over to Jasmin's place and quickly did the Rawson stuff. Lol Life saver. 

Ok lah. Going for fencing already lah! Cya at home OK? Lol yea Singlish. 

Monday, June 15, 2009


Its exam time again, and I'm duly stressed. There's that same old suffocating feeling that I'm not studying widely enough or hard enough. And feelings of nostalgia and loneliness always creep in as well.

Haiz. I keep trying to count down to exams, make myself feel a little more motivated blah blah blah, and yea, it works. Like can I study harder and longer, but the work never ends. The more I file finished work, the more I keep digging up work in little corners of the room that I have to do. Hmmmm, how how how. And I wanna fence again. But its a Monday today. Moan-day. 

I need to start revising renal tonight. I hate those notes like that Sleep Apnoea shit that's in the grey area. Do you or do you not cover them? And Embryology. 1 set of notes = 3 hours of reading and understand = 1 question in the exams. 

I feel like suddenly doing weird stuff like taking long walks in the middle of the night, just to relieve stress. Hahah maybe that's why I've been going to Jasmin's place so often. 

Need to go over and give her a tummy rub. Hahaha.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Just watched the show "The curious case of Benjamin Button". 

Sad show.... makes me think about the ones I love, and how things never last. 

I wanna be with my parents. I will go down to the city tomorrow and spend some time with them.

Hope I will one day have the courage to tell them how much I love them, face to face. Using SMS to express love is such a sad thing to do.

Need to treasure what I have, make precious memories and relationships.

Mmmm. Good show.... its late... needa sleep. 

Love my dearest Jasmin.... hope she'll never leave me. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

Last Day of School!

Weeee. School has officially ended for the semester. Just came back from my PCL party! Will miss Dr. Mahen after he returns to Sri Lanka because he's a really good tutor. Hope I get an equally good tutor next semester.

Hui lin's birthday party yesterday night was awesome. Hahaha definitely one of my most enjoyable nights spent in Melbourne. The costumes people turned up in was hilarious. Frank was a sumo, Chris as a Japanese school girl, Henry and Desmond as Pikachu and its owner whatever his name is. Hahaha my favourite pair. Lol I thought Jon did a really good impression of Spiderman and a ninja worrior too. Darren looked pretty cool in his kendo outfit.

Mmmm and the food being passed around was really awesome, especially the birthday cake which tasted of Ferrero Rocher and was soooo smooth inside. Not to forget Clara's how do u spell it muah-chee? 

Excellent way to spend the rest of the night post OSCEs. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

OSCE Practice!

Mmm just spent a whole afternoon practising for the upcoming OSCE at Jasmin's place. Was really fun, and I'm glad I went. Learnt new stuff, revised the old, and it made me feel more confident. 

Oooh before I forget! The rosemary lamb I cooked for my mum and sister turned out almost perfect! The secret is to fill the bottom tray with water, so that the oven does not dry out the lamb! Argh, the only drawback was that the portion was too little. Should have listened to my small fattie. Loved the soup she cooked, especially with the beancurd skin thingies she put it. Mmmmm my favourite la. Anyways both my mum and sister seemed to enjoy it so I guess it was a success.

Gotta get the study going! Hope this won't be another repeat of the mid-semester. Come to think of it, every exam I studied for has been like the mid-semester exam. Procrastinate until no time left to finish everything. Why am I so lazy. Hmmmm. Furthermore my parents are coming down tomorrow, and they're staying right smack in the middle of the city! Really feel like joining them for a night, especially because I haven't seen my daddy for so long. 

The countless nights I spent walking to and fro to Jasmin's house, in the freezing cold and rain, in the middle of the night and with a hole in my shoe..... sigh. What was I thinking. Hahaha. 

Need to bitch about my house. It feels too overcrowded already. And its way to noisy than it should be. I really hate all those visitors we've been getting, they just never shut up and go away. And dinner seems to be getting later and later each day. 

Anyways! Who cares right? I am the Mushroom! Lol. Which reminds me of the soft toy Jasmin picked up. I want it la.. so cute. I'll hang it on my bag. Haha

Mmmm miss my darling Jasmin! Love waking up beside her in the mornings and then snuggling and cuddling until I really really really have to get up. 

Kaez I really hope the chicken is done. Grrr I'm so hungry already.

Friday, June 5, 2009

CBP Crunch Time.

So stressed the past few days! Feel so much more relieved to have gotten it out of the way. Well only the first part of it, but still!

Owe my sister one. Was so stressed last night, couldn't really celebrate her birthday with her. Maybe I'll organise something this weekend. 

Hmmmmm got to go get some sleep. Another long day tomorrow. Wish mummy will bring me more pineapple tarts next trip. =D