Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boyfriend Replacement Therapy.

Apparently having a boyfriend also means free company whenever you have excess time. Very easily obtained and definitely very easily replaceable. Just like tonight!

At first I thought it was the rain.... then I thought maybe you were tired.... I've become too naive after a while. Its always like that with girlfriends, they never tell you who they wanna meet, especially when they know its someone you don't really want them to meet. 

Really strange that people know exactly when to call you out for drinks! Its like telepathy, somehow they know where you are... super convenient. Another theory could be that everything was obviously pre-arranged. 

Still being played like a sucker, just like my first did to me. Funnily enough, the only girlfriend I didn't feel this way with was the one I played with and dumped. 

How do guys become players? Bastards that use girls, dump them and move on? One way as I've found out, is because they have been treated the same way themselves. The cause of such behaviour is the target of such behaviour! Interesting, now that I've sat back and thought about it. Simply put: Girls maybe the ones who create guys who treat them like shit.

Guess you're gonna spend Saturday alone just like you've always wanted unless you can explain yourself and evidence of behavioural change is seen. 

Lol I love medicalising stuff.

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